OneBot for IT
IT never looked so sexy until OneBot came along.
OneBot for HR
Queries in HR can be a hassle; but not for long…OneBot is here!
OneBot for Facilities
Surface Facilities to the rest of the business like never before.

We want nothing more than for users of OneBot to have a great experience with the tool. To help ensure this is the case, OneBot provides a 99.99% uptime commitment for customers. This is our Service Level agreement, or SLA, and is incorporated into our Terms of Service. If we fall short of this commitment and your usage of the chatbot is affected, we’ll add service credit to your account for future use, subject to the following.


Downtime is the overall number of minutes the OneBot tool was unavailable during the term of your agreement. OneBot calculates unavailability using server monitoring software to measure the server-side error rate, ping test results, web server tests, TCP port tests and website tests.

Downtime excludes the following:

  • Slowness or other performance issues with individual features of the product
  • Issues that are related to external apps or third parties beyond our control, including integrations
  • Any products or features that are identified as pilot, alpha, beta or similar
  • External network or equipment problems outside of our reasonable control, such as bad routing tables between your internet service provider (ISP) and our server
  • Scheduled downtime for maintenance purposes

Uptime commitment

Uptime is the percentage of total possible minutes OneBot was available during your agreement. Our commitment is to maintain at least 99.99% uptime (although we cannot guarantee this):

[(total minutes in your agreement – downtime) / total minutes in your agreement] >99.99%

Scheduled downtime

Sometimes we need to perform maintenance to keep OneBot working smoothly and/or to add new features. If scheduled downtime is necessary, we’ll give you at least 48 hours of notice prior to the commencing of any maintenance work. In any given year, scheduled downtime won’t exceed 30 hours.

Service credit

If we fall short of our uptime commitment, we’ll add credit to each affected account equal to 5 times the amount you paid during the period OneBot was down (we call this service credit).

Service credit is not a refund, cannot be exchanged into a cash amount, is capped at a maximum of 10 days of paid service, requires you to have paid any outstanding invoices and expires upon termination of your agreement. Service credit is the exclusive remedy for any failure by OneBot to meet its obligations under this SLA.

Please note: Downtime does not affect all users at the same time or in the same way. For example, some accounts may receive service credit during an outage in their region, while other accounts in other regions that have not been similarly affected will not.

Updates to Our SLA

OneBot reserves the right to alter the specifics and terms of this SLA at any time as the business requires. Customers can review the most current version of the service level agreement at any time by visiting this page.