OneBot for IT
IT never looked so sexy until OneBot came along.
OneBot for HR
Queries in HR can be a hassle; but not for long…OneBot is here!
OneBot for Facilities
Surface Facilities to the rest of the business like never before.

Maximise Human Resources efficiency.



of users enjoy the speed at which chatbots answer

Faster Onboarding with OneBot

Accelerating Productivity: Reducing Onboarding Time by 30%.

Say goodbye to Paperwork and Delays

OneBot Effortlessly Speeds Up Approval Workflow.

Enhance HR Efficiency

Automated payslip requests improve efficiency, reduce errors, and empower employees, leading to streamlined payroll processes and better overall operations.

Effortless Performance Review Efficiency

Streamline and Elevate Performance Request Reviews with OneBot.

OneBot obliterates everyday tasks

Reduce time consuming paperwork. Incorporating OneBot automation can revolutionise HR operations.
Reduce manual tasks and improve operational efficiency.
Harness the power of OneBot to optimise workflows.
Deliver quicker responses, improve accuracy and increase employee satisfaction.

OneBot obliterates everyday tasks

Rapid implementation.
Rewarding time to value.

At OneBot, we believe that the easier a software is to use,
 the more powerful the outcomes can be. With that in mind, you can expect to get up and running in weeks not months.

Build workflows in minutes.

Seamlessly integrate with other tools.​

Set up
in weeks.

Dedicated Customer Success Team

Helpful Resources

Get Started Today

Supercharge your business with OneBot for every department